Posts Tagged ‘ Elabana falls ’

Lamington National Park

For most of my shooting life I have always used film and loved it.  I have no issues with digital I just love that feeling you get when you get when you are looking at a perfectly exposed transparency on the light box.  I have resisted using digital for so long but a few moths ago i lashed out and bought the Canon 5D Mark 2 and I am kicking myself for not doing it sooner the results are amazing, the files are big, crisp and full of colour what more could I ask for.

Last time I walked to Elabana falls I got nailed by leaches so after seeing a guy in the carpark with a whole lot of leach marks on his legs I wasn’t that enthused about the next 7km walk.  This time I escaped with no leeches and this 3 image stitch of Elabana falls.